How to Apply Clip-in Human Hair Extensions
When dealing with short hair and desiring a new hairstyle, clip-in hair extensions emerge as a swift remedy to grant you added length and volume. These clip-ins offer the versatility to achieve your desired hair length, irrespective of your current hair's actual length. Moreover, they're user-friendly enough for self-application, enabling you to effortlessly place them in your hair.
Here is a video made by our customer, it will tell you how to apply it :)
If you're aiming for a stylish and voluminous hairstyle but find your hair lacking the desired length and thickness, consider the magic of clip-in hair extensions. These extensions swiftly give the illusion of luxurious, long locks. Worried about the complexity? Don't be! Using clip-ins is a breeze.
Are you new to the world of hair extensions? Don't worry! You can master their application by simply following this step-by-step tutorial.
2. Open the package of clip-in hair. Starting in the middle of the sectioned portion, slide the first clip of the weft hair extension into your hair, and secure it in place.
4. As you release more hair from the pinned-up top section, attach the next weft hair extension. This time, use the piece with four clips to hold it firmly in place..
6. If you're extending the hair on the sides of your head, first pin up a segment of hair approximately an inch above one ear. Attach a weft hair extension with two clips to this section for added length and volume.
8. For optimal integration of clip-in hair extensions with your natural hair, consider curling them. This technique helps achieve a seamless blend and a more natural appearance.